Easily create Corcelain threads in fusion
How to Create Custom Threads in Fusion 360 for Corcelain Extensions
To add custom threads for Corcelain extensions in Fusion 360, copy the XML below and place it in the correct folder, restart Fusion, and apply it using the Thread tool with "Modeled" checked.
Corcelain is a porcelain cup design featuring screw thread that enable endless customization with 3D-printed extensions. This thread is some custom thread that isn't built into Autodesk Fusion. So to be able to add it easily, you'll want to create a custom thread profile.
Thread Profile
Create a file called CorcelainThread.xml
in the following ThreadData directory:
For Mac:
Macintosh HD > Users > [YourUsername] > Library > Application Support > Autodesk > Webdeploy > production > [Newest VersionID] > Autodesk Fusion 360 > Contents > Libraries > Applications > Fusion > Fusion > Server > Fusion > Configuration > ThreadData
For Windows:C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\[VersionID]\Fusion\Server\Fusion\Configuration\ThreadData
Put the following thread data in it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Corcelain Custom Threads</Name>
<CustomName>Corcelain Custom Thread</CustomName>
After this you'll need to restart Fusion.
External Thread
To create a screw that you can screw into the Corcelain cups, create a 42mm cylinder.

42mm Cylinder
Then use the thread tool (Create
> Thread
) a click the outer edge of the cylinder.
MUST be checked.- Select the "Corcelain Custom Thread"
- For a tight fit use class "A", for a looser fit use "B".
- Click OK to apply the thread.

Ensure "Modeled" is checked.
Next click "F" to open the Fillet tool. Change the type to Full Round Fillet. Select the inner face of the thread for the "Center Faces":

Select the "root" of the thread
For Side 1 and Side 2 select the faces above and below the face you just selected.

Select the edges above and below the root
You should now have a thread that will work with Corcelain: